This is in Brule, WI. My family goes up to a cabin there with a bunch of their old friends. This year I asked my mom how they knew everyone and after each name she paused, thought, and said "music."
We've been going since I was 4, it was nice to return once again to a familiar place, with familiar people--in the "like family" sense. For one family, the Pucci's, my brother is Cousin Carlo and many of the adults have Aunt and Uncle prefixes.
Highlights included a drenched 3o mile ride to Lake Superior and back, another very successful trip to the Fig Leaf, a small town thrift store (high waisted coral shorts, $1.25!), watching World Cup semifinals in a small empty bar on Highway 2, and the 13th (or so, whose counting?) annual talent show, this time at 9:30 am featuring the vocal styling of a 4 year old boy in a Buzz Lightyear costume. And of course, who could forget the 4th of July celebrations put on by the Village of Lake Nebagamon. There was a parade of Miss and Little Miss Lake Nebagamon, a VW bug dressed up as the terrible Hodag and an intimidating black truck with Ole's written across it in red white and blue. All's well in Middle America.